Leb'nan, Iran, Iraq. In small doses.
Talked with some recent Leb'nan visitors in
CafeHappyChaos, heard
Abjeez (!!) at the party of
Radio Zamaneh, and tonite i saw, and certainly heard, Farida and some others:
• Film, debate and music
What is the alternative for political violence?
- Film, Iraq, Song of the Missing Men
- Debate with prominent guests:
Bassam Alhussaini: shia hoofdadviseur van de Iraakse premier
Ayad Samarrai: vooraanstaand lid van de grootste Iraaks-sunni regeringspartij
Oras Haddad: studentenactiviste uit Bagdad
Joost Hiltermann: Iraq-expert International Crisis Group
- Farida with friends and family! ;)
fine week. nice weather! (and i was told that there's no prove that Depleted Uranium is as disastrous as i believe/d.