You can't eat sovereignty
"I was in a gathering of about 10 civic groups the other day and amongst other statements one person commented, “the system is irretrievably virused”. In plain speak, Zimbabwe is fucked. Curious though that even with this very clear and creative description of where we’re at there is very little energy spent reviewing the tactics that civic and human rights activists are using in challenging repression. Clearly, we need to change what we’re doing because we’re not having much impact.
But then again it’s also really important to look around and check out what forms of direct action are taking place. Everywhere I look these days when I’m on the move in Harare, I see widespread guerilla gardening. Urban agriculture is pretty much illegal and often guerilla gardeners have their crops slashed – most cruelly when they are hip high and almost ready to harvest. But despite this threat urban dwellers have gone all out and are using every available patch of land to grow food for their families. Perhaps they don’t see any hope in uprooting our dictator but that won’t stop them trying to feed themselves." [link]
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