They lied! They packaged a lie and they sold itSo. That seems to be the case in The Netherlands, although grammatically it should be the plural form (lies!) and here and now it has less to do with corporations, more so with the ('our') government. (Oh, and for who didn't see Winterbottom's 'Code 46' yet... go see it).
[..] "Propaganda is the feel-good pill of a fascist agenda. That’s what these words mean today: “Religion is the opiate of the masses.” Propaganda is what facilitates fascist citizens to believe they’re supporting what’s good and right. The keystone of manufacturing these beliefs is in controlling meaning. Words become the crux of this control. “The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words.” Philip K. Dick, Novelist (1928-1982)
This is a war for reality. Consensus reality is held in place by the masses. The commonly used words and their common meanings have great impact. Monitoring these meanings, and affecting the change of these meanings, is the dynamic implicit in Lippman’s phrase, “manufacturing consent.” [..]
¶ Monday, November 21, 2005