Corporate social responsibility: perspectives from the South
More on that same theme:
What does Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mean in a country like Angola for instance, where large oil companies operate in a society dominated by inequality, violence and poverty? Publication from the CSR Worldwide Week where 18 experts from all over the world met to share their knowledge and experience on CSR. Edited by
India Committee of the Netherlands, NiZA, Novib (Oxfam Netherlands),
SOMO, MVO Platform and Red Puentes. In English, French and Spanish.
www.mvo-platform.nlCSR-Perspectives_from_the_South_20050510.pdf (2380 Kb)
Internationaal, Angola , DRC , Europa , West-Afrika
Themes: Conflict, Economy, Human rights, NGO's (African), NGO's (North)
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Corporate social responsibility: perspectives from the South60 pages PDF
Author: Karolien Bais -
SOMO - 2005-05-10