Wednesday, April 06, 2005
  Todays start of G-8 Genova 2001 trials (until 2050???)
Remember the massive international protests in Genova against the G-8 in July 2001? The white overalls, the 'disobbedienti? The extreme violence of the police, when they intruded the Diaz school and just beat the hell out of the people who were there?
Mark Covell, British Indymedia journalist, working at the Indy-dispatch center was not in the Diaz school then, he stood in front of it, until some policeauthorities beat the shit out of him, and left him, nearly dead, on the pavement.
Today should be the day for the start of the trials against 28 police officers in Genova, but yesterday the investigative judge told me that it is difficult, since the Court doesn't exist now... One old judge went into oblivian (pension) and another was transferred to another court. So there is no Court now, and there are no judges who want to deal with this case since it is very delicate. As well left as right wing political structures and peoples are involved in this.

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